Dynamic, Efficient, Versatile, with a wealth of experience

Tax Law

We Help You Navigate Complex Trusts And Tax Laws

We help you navigate complex trusts and tax laws and can assist you in creating bespoke tax-efficient structures to effectively manage your assets and investments.

By leveraging on our tax experts, we can assist you in implementing a personalised framework to provide long-term asset protection while ensuring flexibility and discretion to meet changing personal and business needs. In this regard, we frequently assist clients across the region in setting up sophisticated holding structures to benefit from various tax incentive schemes.

Standing ready to help you through the legal maze

The Advox team strives to solve your legal issues in the best way to suit your circumstances. At every step we endeavour to support our clients, navigate through their legal concerns and to be their voice.

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Contact Us

Tel: 6360 1930
Fax: 6360 1949
Email: general@advoxlaw.com
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am – 6pm


51 Bras Basah Road
LazadaOne Central
Singapore 189554