Dynamic, Efficient, Versatile, with a wealth of experience

Workmen Claims

Workplace Injuries – We Help You Get Back On Your Feet !

Our team has over 40 years of combined experience in work injury claims both under WICA and common law, acting for Chinese, Bangladeshi, and Indian foreign workers in Singapore and their dependants.

At Advox, we have helped a spectrum of clients both local and foreign including dependants who are overseas and have lost their loved ones in a workplace accident. We work closely with lawyers in China, India and Bangladesh as well to ensure that due compensation reaches the aggrieved.

If you have sustained an injury whilst working, you may be eligible for a claim under the Work Injury Compensation Act (WICA) which is a mechanism for claims administered by the Ministry of Manpower. It is a no-fault compensation scheme for employees injured in the course of their employment and have suffered permanent incapacity.

If you have suffered from a workplace injury, come speak to us

We will help you claim for compensation for permanent incapacity, medical expenses (including consultation, hospitalisation, treatment and future care etc), medical Leave and hospitalisation wages. We also help dependant family members obtain compensation under this regime if they have lost their loved ones due to a workplace accident.

If it can be proven that your employer failed to take steps to ensure your safety and due to negligence on your employer’s part and/or any other party at the worksite under whom you were assigned to work, you can elect to pursue for compensation under common law instead.

If you have suffered from a workplace injury, come speak to us and we will see how best we can assist you to receive your due compensation.

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Contact Us

Tel: 6360 1930
Fax: 6360 1949
Email: general@advoxlaw.com
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am – 6pm


51 Bras Basah Road
LazadaOne Central
Singapore 189554