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How do damages in a medical malpractice case get calculated?

Damages in a medical malpractice case can include compensation for financial losses, such as medical expenses and lost wages, and nonfinancial losses, such as pain and suffering and loss of consortium. The calculation of damages can involve objective and subjective factors and may require expert witnesses’ testimony and medical evidence presentation.

Medical Negligence & Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

Economic losses refer to the tangible costs incurred due to medical malpractice, such as medical expenses, lost income, and property damage. Nonfinancial losses refer to intangible costs, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of companionship.

In certain jurisdictions, punitive damages may also be awarded to the patient as a punishment for gross negligence by the healthcare provider.

Medical Negligence Case David Gray

During his very first shift working in the United Kingdom, the German physician Dr. Daniel Ubani administered an overdose of analgesics to one of his patients, which ultimately resulted in the patient’s demise.

After receiving a dose of diamorphine that was ten times higher than what was deemed safe, the patient, David Gray, passed away. Later on, Dr. Ubani stated that he got puzzled by the differing doses of drugs that were used in the UK and Germany.

In Germany, he was found guilty of causing someone’s death by recklessness and given a term with a suspended sentence, while in the UK, he was not charged with anything.

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