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What damages are recoverable in a medical negligence case?

In a medical negligence case, the recoverable damages are directly related to the injury or harm caused by the healthcare provider’s negligence. These can include:

  • Economic damages, such as medical expenses, lost wages, and loss of earning capacity
  • Non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life

Medical Negligence & Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

  • Punitive damages, which may be awarded in exceptional cases of gross negligence
  • In some jurisdictions, special damages can be claimed for future expenses
  • In the case of death, wrongful death damages can be claimed.

Medical Negligence Case Wrong Limb Amputation

After having a blood clot removed from his right leg during surgery in a Florida hospital in 1995, Willie King’s life experienced a significant transformation. The surgery was initially successful, but the surgeon made a terrible error that would have a long-lasting effect on King’s life. Unaware of the error until after the procedure, the surgeon shockingly severed King’s left leg instead of his right one.

King made the decision to sue the hospital and the surgeon after the medical blunder changed his life forever. After a protracted legal struggle, the judge granted King’s request for relief, acknowledging the gravity of the error that had been made. King received a $900,000 settlement as restitution for his injuries, which he utilized to pay for his medical bills and make up for the loss of his limb.

The incident serves as a reminder of the significance of providing the highest level of care and attention to detail during medical procedures, as well as the necessity of holding hospitals and medical staff accountable for their conduct.

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At Advox Law LLC, we have developed a keen focus on medical, family, criminal and immigration law. 

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