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What does medical law serve as?

Medical law exists to ensure that the practice of medicine is conducted in a way that upholds moral principles, is safe and secure, and is effective in protecting the rights and interests of patients and healthcare workers.

Medical Negligence & Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

Medical law establishes a legal framework, norms, and regulations that govern the behavior of healthcare institutions and professionals while defending patients’ rights and welfare.

Medical Negligence Case Aysha Siddika

A Bangladeshi girl named Aysha Siddika was diagnosed with dengue fever in the year 2016, and she was brought to the hospital as a result of her symptoms. The medical professionals erred in their diagnosis of her condition and gave her the inappropriate therapy. As a direct consequence of this, Aysha’s condition deteriorated, and as a consequence of septicemia, she ultimately lost all four of her limbs (a serious blood infection). 

Her family has launched a medical malpractice lawsuit against the doctors, claiming that they did not give the appropriate care for her ailment and that they misdiagnosed it. The issue garnered extensive attention from the media, and the government of Bangladesh ultimately decided to compensate Aysha and her family to the tune of 20 million taka, which is about equivalent to $235,000. 

This instance demonstrates the need of obtaining an accurate diagnosis and receiving the appropriate therapy in order to forestall the occurrence of such severe and life-altering repercussions.

Our Team

At Advox Law LLC, we have developed a keen focus on medical, family, criminal and immigration law. 

shankar renganathan medical negligence and immigration lawyer

Shankar Renganathan


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Sharanjit Kaur


eric criminal lawyer

Eric Liew

Associate Director

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Wendy Wang

Foreign Desks

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Most people find the challenge of navigating through the legal processes, very daunting. At Advox Law LLC, we strive to make things easier for you. Reach out to us and get the legal assistance you need.