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What is the time restriction for bringing a claim for medical malpractice?

Each state and jurisdiction has a different medical malpractice statute of limitations. According to the regulations of a particular state, it might be shorter or longer but normally lasts between one and six years from the occurrence date.

Medical Negligence & Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

Different types of malpractice may fall under different statutes of limitations. Some states allow the application of the “discovery rule,” which permits the time limit to be determined as of the day the damage was discovered.

A medical malpractice claim must be filed within the applicable statute of limitations to be pursued. So, it is crucial to check your state’s specific rules to ascertain this information.

Medical Negligence Case Alder Hey Organ Retention

In the late 1990s, it came to light that Alder Hey Children’s Hospital had been secretly storing organs and tissues from deceased patients without first obtaining the consent of the patients’ families.

Almost two thousand organs and tissues, including whole organs like hearts and brains, were stored at the hospital after being extracted from patients.

The controversy resulted in a full investigation, which issued the recommendation that families should be sought for approval before conducting post-mortem studies and that organ retention should only occur when there is a clear rationale for doing so and with the family’s approval.

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At Advox Law LLC, we have developed a keen focus on medical, family, criminal and immigration law. 

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Shankar Renganathan


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Sharanjit Kaur


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Eric Liew

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Wendy Wang

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