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What rules and laws govern informed consent in Singapore's healthcare system?

In Singapore, the core tenet of medical care is informed consent. Healthcare professionals are obligated to completely explain the procedure’s nature, risks and benefits, and any available alternatives to the patient prior to any medical procedure or treatment.

Medical Negligence & Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

The procedure must then have the patient’s written or verbal consent. Additionally, the healthcare professional must guarantee the patient’s complete comprehension of the provided information and capacity for giving informed consent. The healthcare professional may request approval from the patient’s legal representative or through a court-appointed guardian if the patient is unable to offer informed consent.

Medical Negligence Highlight Birth Injuries

Birth Injuries Negligence during delivery can lead to birth injuries for both the mother and the child, including cerebral palsy, brain damage, or even wrongful death for the newborn. Birth injuries can be caused by a variety of circumstances, including the failure to monitor both the woman and the infant during the birth process, the delay in conducting a required C-section, or the use of incorrect delivery procedures.

Injuries sustained during delivery can create damage that lasts a lifetime and have repercussions not only for the mother and child but also for their families.

Our Team

At Advox Law LLC, we have developed a keen focus on medical, family, criminal and immigration law. 

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Shankar Renganathan


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Sharanjit Kaur


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Eric Liew

Associate Director

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Wendy Wang

Foreign Desks

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