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Which are the main concerns with medical malpractice insurance?

The right amount of insurance coverage must be chosen, premiums must be managed, and claims and legal proceedings must be handled, among other important issues, in medical malpractice insurance. Additionally, providers can worry that malpractice lawsuits would cause them to lose their insurance coverage or see a rise in their premiums.

Medical Negligence & Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

Healthcare practitioners must carry medical malpractice insurance to guard against financial losses if they are accused of medical malpractice. The cost of this insurance may significantly impact the healthcare provider’s budget.

Additionally, if a healthcare provider receives repeated malpractice claims or the insurance company deems them high-risk, they may experience problems like their coverage being canceled or their premiums going up.

Medical Negligence Case Royal Marsden Chemotherapy Overdose

In 2015, it was discovered that some cancer patients at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London had received chemotherapy overdoses due to an error in the software used for quantifying doses at the hospital.

The error was caused by a malfunction in the software. Over the course of four years, the error may have affected as many as sixty-five patients. The hospital issued an apology, began an inquiry, and informed patients impacted by the incident.

Concerns regarding the use of technology in healthcare were raised as a result of this instance, as well as the significance of accurately calculating dosages.

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At Advox Law LLC, we have developed a keen focus on medical, family, criminal and immigration law. 

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Shankar Renganathan


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Sharanjit Kaur


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Eric Liew

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Wendy Wang

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